NCT DOJAEJUNG - 1st Mini Album 'Perfume' (Box Version) Random Cover

NCT DOJAEJUNG - 1st Mini Album 'Perfume' (Box Version) Random Cover
Release date: 2023-04-17
Random 1 out of 3 package boxes
1 photobook version per version (different depending on the package box)
3 types of postcards by version (different depending on the package box)
1 type of fragrance paper version (depending on the package box)
Photo card (different depending on the package box)
Poster (first press only) (differs depending on package box)
About this product
Only available on a pre-order basis
Item may be declared out-of-stock without prior notice
Official, brand new and sealed
Imported straight from South Korea
Counted in Hanteo and Circle charts
Purchased directly from Ktown4u
Cut-off of orders is until out of stock
Deadline of payment is every 18th of the month
Domestic delivery in Korea starts 2-3 days after official release
Shipping from Korea takes 4-5 weeks after consolidation of orders in our warehouse in Seoul
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