SEVENTEEN (Seventeen) - 4TH ALBUM 'Face the Sun' Carat version

SEVENTEEN (Seventeen) - 4TH ALBUM 'Face the Sun' Carat version
Release date: 2022-05-27
Total 13 types
Hard cover binder: 1 random out of 13 types (covers are different for each version) / W 150 XH 210 XT 14 (mm) / 8p (1p = 4 pocket)
Booklet : 13 types / Insert 1 set (24 sheets) for each version / Provided with the same member set as the hard cover binder / W 55 XH 85 (mm)
Digipack : 1 type / W 150 XH 210 XT 4 (mm)
CD-R : 1 type
Lyric Book: 1 type / W 120 XH 180 / 14p
Photo card: 4 types out of a total of 52 types are randomly inserted / W 55 XH 85 (mm